Discover support for chemsex in Manchester through our curated videos featuring a diverse range of professionals. Whether you're seeking chemsex help for yourself or on behalf of someone else, find options that resonate with your unique needs.
Want to add your service to Chemsafe Space? Contact us via Recovery@lgbt.foundation to enquire about filming a video / providing information for our website.

Reach is a clinic for people who would like support to manage or reduce their use of chems. They offer chemsex support, full sexual health check-ups (Hubs), Hepatitis B vaccination, HIV tests, Information and advice, Treatment / management of STIs (Hubs).
0161 701 1555 reach@mft.nhs.uk

LGBT Foundation - Recovery Service
LGBT Foundation is part of Manchester Integrated Drug and Alcohol Service and offers 1-1 and group support to LGBT individuals affected by drugs, alcohol and chemsex.
0345 3 30 30 30

Since 1985, George House Trust has been inspiring people living with HIV to live healthy, confident lives by providing HIV support, advice and advocacy services.
0161 274 4499

If you identify as a woman and you are sex working or thinking about it, team MASH is here for you. MASH is actively trans inclusive, all women are welcome. We support women in all forms of sex work including on-street, indoor and online.
0800 183 0499

Our Room (formerly The Men's Room)
A creative community for male, trans & non-binary people who sex work.
Our Room engages with people who who experience issues such as mental health problems, substance misuse and sexual exploitation. We facilitate a range of art projects, and offer outreach services and personalised support.
0161 834 1827 info@ourroom.org.uk

Manchester Council - Social Worker
Social worker Martin Lee explains how you could access rehab services if this is something you are considering. Whilst accessing rehab is a longer process than accessing most services, this information is helpful to learn about dealing with chemsex in rehab and how to get into rehab if this is something that is your goal or an option to explore.